
My BTTF Part 3 Fic: Chapter 2

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Prfctcellrulz’s Back To The Future Part III Fanfic
Chapter 2: The Old West

(September 2nd, 1865)

In the past, the Axalon-5000 came out of the time stream, only to notice real Indians heading toward them.

Matrix: Gah! Indians!

Matrix turns the vehicle around and make the escape as the Indians fires arrows at the Axalon as he spoke.

Shego: I thought he said eight!

Yumi: (notices something in the time panel) Of course, he's ten and stinks at math...he sent us there at 9 in the morning!

All: What!?

Ironhide: Just find the stupid cave!

The Axalon continued escaping as it went over a cliff. The droid noticed something in the rear view mirror.

Optimus Prime: Guys, the cave!

Matrix nodded then flew the vehicle backwards toward the cave then the Indians leapt over it. Surprisingly, they didn’t stop as they kept on going.

Goldbug: (To Rodimus Prime and Jazz) Told ya so. Pay up!

Rodimus Prime: (Grumbling) Lucky.

Rodimus Prime and Jazz each handed Goldbug 50 dollars.

Wingblade: Hmmm, wonder what they're running away from?

Shego: I'll check.

Ami: Me too.

The two then came out, then were both trampled on as what looked like the cavalry came out of nowhere with the leading captain blowing his bugle horn.

Both: Ahhh!!

Captain: Come, Sergeant, we can't let those Indians get away!

He nodded as the two with the others continued onward after the said Indians, not stopping to check the cave either. Then, Shego and Ami, both wounded, came in weakly.

Shego: Yeesh...

Ami: Uh...the cavalry...

The two fell to KP and Yumi's arms as Ratchet groaned. Then, when everything was cleared, Optimus Prime noticed something under the ship.

Optimus Prime: Uh…Guys….

Matrix: What is it, Optimus?

They looked as they saw an arrow on the side of the car with some fuel leaking out.

Ultra Magnus: Oh no! The fuel line's ripped!

Rodimus Prime: NOW we’re boned!

Cosmo's Voice: Uh, can you let us out at least?

Jazz: Huh? Who's in there?

He opened the trunk then came the two fairies, gasping for air.

Ironhide: Holy crap, fairies!

Wanda: (groans) Okay, you got us! We're Fairy Godparents.

Cosmo: The good thing is they don't know that we belong to a kid name-

Wanda: Uh, anyway, I heard you need help.

Ultra Magnus: Yeah, but we do not know how.

Cosmo: (takes out the items) Like these boots, those pants, the letter, and that picture of Danny's tombstone?

Wheeljack: Hey, how did you get those?

Cosmo: We were trapped in your trunk when I found the cookie.

Wanda: And besides, you guys need the proper wear if you're going to be in the west.

That was when they heard a growling sound nearby.

Matrix: (To Autobots) Someone please admit it was their stomach.

Star Saber: No, why?

They then turned and looked shocked as they saw a huge dark brown bear roaring at them.

Yumi: Oh crap!

Cosmo: (looks closely) Hey, doesn't he look like that Vincent bear guy from-

He stood on its hind legs, then glared wickedly.

KP: (gulps) Shall we run?

Matrix: Yes...let's.

They then ran as Superion Maximus tossed the boots and pants to the bear. The bear sniffed at the objects as they ran out while looking back where the bear was.

Wanda: Whew!

Defensor: That was too clo-

Metroplex then tripped.

Metroplex: Whoa!!

Then, he fell on the group, who also fell as they screamed while rolling down a hill they came across. The group then crashed into a fence at the bottom of the hill then all were knocked out.

Shego: (Anime eye swirls) None for me, thanks. I'm driving.

Shego then went silent. Then, a bearded Autobot named Alpha Trion ran to where they were. The Transformer looked at Matrix, then the others then turned around.

Trion: Beta! Get some water quickly! We have hurt people and bots here!

That evening, in a dark room, Team XKS were starting to slowly awake on a bed they were in as a voice called to them. In their vision, they saw Isabel.

“Isabel“: There you go.

Matrix: Mom...Mom, is that you?

“Isabel“: There, there now, you've been asleep for nearly 6 hours.

KP: Oh, we had this horrible nightmare. It was terrible. We dreamed we were in a western...We were being chased by Indians...and a bear.

“Isabel“: Well, you're safe and sound, here at the Millennia-Prime Farm.

Matrix: (confused) Millennia-Prime Farm? I think you've been acting funny, Isabel-uh, I mean mom.

“Isabel“: Isabel? That's a silly name. My name is Beta, Beta Maxx Millennia-Prime.

Then, his vision became cleared as he saw a woman next to him and the bed he is in instead of his mom. She was a Transformer with purple hair and a beautiful purple dress. Her name was Beta.

Matrix:'re not our mom.

He looked around then noticed the group looking at him.

Yumi: Finally, you're up.

KP: It's not good to keep doing that.

Matrix: Oh man... (To Beta) Who are you?

Beta: I told you before, the name's Millennia-Prime: Beta Maxx Millennia-Prime.

KP: Beta Maxx?

Beta: That's Mrs. Millennia-Prime, and don't you be forgetting the Mrs. And what might your names be?

Matrix: Well, it's uh...hmmm, Jones...uh, Tommy...Tommy Lee Jones!

Yumi: (sighs) Fine...then call me Jules West!

KP: Wow! You mixed Jules and Jim West's up. (To Padme) Call me Alexis Gordon.

Shego: Okay then...just call me by my first name, Sheila Gooding.

Ami: You can call me Rita Escobar.

Optimus Prime: We’re actually an elite group of Autobots from Cybertron. My name is Optimus Prime.

Ultra Magnus: I’m his brother, Ultra Magnus.

Rodimus Prime: Rodimus Prime.

Goldbug: Goldbug.

Star Saber: I’m Star Saber.

Wingblade: I’m his brother, Wingblade.

Bulkhead: Hey, I’m Bulkhead.

Jazz: Name’s Jazz. (Points to Prowl) And this is my brother, Prowl.

Ironhide: I’m Ironhide, a weapons expert.

Ratchet: My name’s Ratchet.

Red Alert: I’m Red Alert. Me, Hot Shot and Scattershot here form the Cybertron Defense Team.

Wheeljack: I’m Wheeljack, an Autobot scientist, (Points to Perceptor) and this is my partner, Perceptor. (Points to Dinobots) And these are Grimlock, Slag, Sludge, Snarl and Swoop, also known as the Dinobots.

Kup: I’m Kup, a war veteran.

Springer: Springer, Aerial recon.

Blurr: Myname’sBlurr. I’mthefastestAutobotaround.

Lockdown: Name’s Lockdown. I’m a hardcore Bounty Hunter.

Optimus Prime: (Points to Metroplex and Combiners) And these are Metroplex and the Combiners, Defensor, Computron and Superion Maximus.

Matrix: Well, that’s all of us.

Beta: (to Matrix) You hit your head, Mr. Jones. Nothing too serious, but lucky for you and your Autobot allies, A3 found you when he did.

Matrix: (to himself) A3...

Beta: My husband.

Shego: Just call our gang the "Cybertron Elite Guard"!

Wanda: Cybertron Elite Guard?

Shego: (to Wanda) Hey, who's gonna know?

She then got up and prepared to leave the room as the group hears crying from outside the room.

Beta: You'll have to excuse me while I tend to young Chad, Mr. Wilder.

The Cyber-Human Matrix-Bearer looked surprised.

Matrix: Chad...

KP: Wow...

Yumi: Who's Chad?

Matrix: I think he's...

Then, the group followed Team XKS, as he got out of the bed, to the room Beta was in. In the main room, she was holding a crying baby.

KP: (smiles) Awww, cute.

Shego: (unimpressed) That‘s Chad?

Beta: Yes, Chad Wilk Millennia-Prime, the first of our family to be born in Cybermerica. (Cradles him/to the baby) Aw, there, there. It's okay. Here is Mr. Tommy Lee Jones and his friends.

She then handed him to Matrix.

Beta: This is him.

He took the baby and immediately stopped crying, amiling at Matrix.

Beta: I think he likes you already.

Ami: Awww, they’re so cute!

Then, the front door opened and they saw Alpha Trion coming in with his lightsaber and what appears to be a dead animal over his shoulder.

Trion: Beta, I got supper!

He placed what looked like a dead deer on the table. Later on, they were eating their meal and from the whole table.

Trion: So, I'm not one to pry into a man's personal affairs, but how is it that you guys came all the way out here without a horse, boots, (Indicating the Autobots) Ammo and hats?

Cosmo: Oh, funny story! A bear named Vincent attacked us and the ship-

Optimus Prime: Yes. Our ship crash-landed and Ironhide threw the boots toward the bear to be distracted while we got away.

Wanda: And thanks to Cosmo's stupidity, the tumbling we had to go through made us lose our hats.

Beta: How could you guys forget things like that?

Trion: Well, I'll tell you what I'll do, Mr. Jones. I'll help you and your Autobot friends find your blacksmith friend. You can spend the night in the barn. Then, tomorrow, I'll take you guys as far as the railroad tracks, you can follow them straight into town. Heck, I'll even give you guys some hats.

As Matrix spoke, Beta placed her plate down in a sink and crossed herself in a Catholic way.

Matrix: That's great, thanks.

Then, Chad began crying again then Alpha Trion picked him up.

Trion: Oh, yes. (To the gang) I think you'll find the barn comfortable. I've never had any complaints about it from the pigs.

The man laughed at his own joke as Ultra Magnus chuckled nervously.

Ultra Magnus: (sweat drops) Uh...yeah.

Beta: A3, a word with you.

Trion: Sure. (To the others) Will you take him for a minute?

He then handed Chad to Shego then followed Beta into the corner of the room.

Beta: You sure you're not bringing a curse on this house, taking them in like that? They are strange people, this Elite Guard.

Trion: Yes, but I have a good feeling about them, Beta. They’re Cybertronians like us. It's the right thing to do and it's important.

He then looked at KP playing with the laughing Chad.

Trion: I mean, look at how they take to Mr. Jones. Our kid has never taken to strangers before. It’s as if…Mr. Jones’s connected to us.

Optimus Prime: Bah-Wheep-Graagnah-Wheep-Nini-Bong! I‘m Optimus Prime.

Matrix: Hey soon-to-be-Dark, you're my father...the first born in Cybermerica.

Then, as Matrix lifted the baby boy, he felt urine going onto him.

Matrix: (sweat drops) And ya peed on me!

(September 3rd, 1865)

The next day, the group known as the Cybertron Elite Guard walked on the platform of a train station, all wearing ridiculous looking hats given to them by Alpha Trion then they headed down to the street as they looked amazed at the area.

Matrix: Wow...

Ironhide: See?

The group passed by an "Honest John's Horses" store, then a butcher and bathhouse where two men were chatting.

Man 1: Gimme some soap.

Man 2: (gives him the soap) Here you go.

The group continued onward down the street as they walked under a banner labeled "KaibaCorp City Festival September 5th, 1865". They also passed a manure wagon then they saw a courthouse being built. The same courthouse where the lightning will someday strikes the clock and they would return back to the future.

Yumi: Cool.

They then saw the driver coming their way.

Driver: Hi-yah!

They jumped and narrowly escaped being hit by a horse and carriage with Shego and Goldbug stepping on what looked like more manure from the horses. The two looked down and looked disgusted.

Goldbug: (groans) Oh crap!

Shego: Ewwww, literally.

They scraped it off on a broad walk nearby as the gang then saw a place called "Palace Saloon". Then, they headed inside together. Inside, they looked at the Autobot named Dinobot wiping the glass behind a bar. Three old men named General “Bloodbath” McGrath, Dr. Arliss Loveless and Wylie Burp were sitting at a table then noticed the gang in their outfits.

McGrath: Take a look at what just breezed in the door.

Loveless: Why, I didn't know the circus was in town.

Wylie: Looks like they got their shirts off some dead Asians.

They laughed as they groaned.

Ironhide: Remind me to hurt them.

They then saw Dinobot looking at them as they approached.

Dinobot: What will it be, strangers?

Matrix: Uh, we'll have some ice water, please.

McGrath: Ice water?

They all laughed as Dinobot looked concerned.

Dinobot: Water? If you want some water, you better go dunk your heads in the horse trough back there. In this place, we pour whisky and Energon.

He poured some alcohol into a small glass for KP as he just stared at it.

Matrix: So anyway, sorry, but excuse us. We're looking for a blacksmith.

Voice: Hey, Prime! I thought I told you never to come in-

Then Optimus Prime turned and looked at the person who shouted. He was a Transformer, mostly gray and blue with green accents and a Decepticon insignia, armed to the teeth, with a small, black tank-like Fusion Cannon and transformed into a Cybertronian jet. With him was a gang of three at the door of the saloon.

Matrix: Huh? Prime?

Decepticon: Wait a minute, none of you guys are Alpha Trion. One of you looks like him. Especially with that stupid hat! The other hats look ridiculous on the rest of you as well.

They laughed as Ultra Magnus groaned.

Decepticon: Are any of you kin to that hay barber?

KP: No, we just spent the night there.

Decepticon: What's your name, kid?

KP: My name's K-

Her mouth was covered as the others spoke.

Yumi: We are known as the Cybertron Elite Guard! And our names aren't important!

Decepticon: So you wimps are Autobot Target Practice. But what kind of stupid name is that?

The gang member that resembled Cybertron Soundwave from 2008 glared.

Cybertron Soundwave: I'd say they're the runts of the Alliance.

They glared as the member known to be Energon Starscream looked at Shego's teeth.

Energon Starscream: Take a look, see those pearly whites? I ain't seen teeth that straight weren't store bought.

The third member, Energon Shockwave (AKA Shockblast) then looked at Ami's jeans and Matrix's shoes.

Energon Shockblast: Take a look at those moccasins and those pants. What kind of skins are they? And what do the writings mean?

He then looked at Matrix's shoe, trying to read it.

Energon Shockblast: Neekay... (At Ami' pants) Levi's. What are those, some sort of Injun talk or something?

Then, a nervous Dinobot began pouring out whisky for the leading man, but he was stopped when the man pointed his Fusion Cannot at him.

Decepticon: Bartender, I'm looking for that no good cheating blacksmith. You seen him?

Dinobot: (shivers) Uh, no, Mr. McMahon, I haven't.

The group then realized who the man was.

Elite Guard: McMahon...

Matrix: Hey, you're Megatron Devastatius Millennia!

Megatron (Man): That is my name, of course.

Lockdown activated his chainsaw hand.

Lockdown: Good, ‘cause I’ve got a huge bounty to nab…Yours!

KP: Zip it, Lockdown. (To Megatron) Uh, what are you doing here, Vince Sr.?

Megatron: (glares) Vince?!

Then, everyone else in the saloon except for the “Elite Guard” hid from him as KP gulped nervously.

Megatron: I hate that name! I hate it, do you hear? No one calls me Vincent James McMahon! Especially not some, duded-up, egg sucking, guttertrashes!

Then, Megatron shot at KP's feet whose jumped out of the way and screamed after jumping into Shego's arms.

KP: Ahhh!

Shego: (groans) Oh crap!

Wanda: (narrows) Hey, you can't do that!

Cosmo: If you fight him, you'll have to fight all of us!

Megatron: Very well... (Fires) Dance!

He fired at the group as they jumped and the gang laughed hysterically.

Megatron: Come on!

The goons fired along with him as they continued laughing.

Megatron: Come on, runts, you can all dance better than that!

That was when Goldbug did his three moves.

Goldbug: The Moonwalk!

He then did another.

Goldbug: The Robot!

He then twirled to the ground.

Goldbug: The 7-G!

Matrix: (sweat drops) Uh, Goldbug...

He twirled so much, that he tripped Matrix and Optimus Prime.

Both: Whoa!

They fell onto an end of a wooden plank. On the other end were barrels and they flew into the air, landing on Megatron, spilling its contents on him.

Megatron: (anger mark) That does it!

He pulled his gun out again then shot toward them, but luckily for them, he was out of ammo.

Wingblade: He's out!

Jazz: Bail!

That was when Jazz and Bulkhead tripped onto the three old men's table.

Both: Whoa!

Bulkhead: Sorry, my bad.

McGrath: You better run, Autobots!

Megatron: (gets up) Gah! Get 'em!

The others made it out as KP climbed over the table and chairs.

KP: worked in the movies.

She then jumped and swung on the chandelier, then crashed outside, passed Megatron. Her friends ran out after her.

Matrix: You okay?

He nodded, then, they gasped as they saw Megatron and his men coming out and Transforming into their vehicle modes. They try to get as far as possible from him.

Bulkhead: Ahhh! Run!

They ran quickly but the four wicked people quickly caught up to them. Then, Megatron lassoed a rope over Matrix's neck, dragging him to the Times Square Courthouse.

Matrix: Ahhhh!!!

KP/Shego: (gasps) Matrix!

He unknowingly knocked into some of the panels on the unfinished building.

Matrix: Ugh!

The gang, firing shots in the air laughed while the others quickly came to where Matrix was.

Megatron: (preparing to hang him) We got ourselves a new courthouse...high time we had a hanging.

They looked frightened as Matrix is raised up into the air.

KP: Oh my Primus!

Optimus Prime: They're gonna kill Matrix!

Matrix: You bastards!

The noose was tightened as Matrix placed his hands between his neck and the noose, but he was still feeling like he was choking.

Matrix: Guys...

The evil villains laughed as none of the groups nor Matrix noticed a white haired boy in a long trench coat approaching them.

Megatron: Haven't had a hanging in a long time!

The man got out a gun, then, fired his gun at the rope then Matrix fell.

Matrix: Ahhh!!

KP and Shego grabbed him quickly. Then, the group turned as the familiar boy spoke.

Boy: It'll shoot the fleas off a dog’s back at 500 yards, Megatron!

He removed his hat, revealing himself to be Danny, the grown-up boy they were searching for as he aimed his gun with a telescope built onto it to the Emperor of Destruction.

Danny: And it's pointed straight at your head!

Cosmo: (gasps) Oh my gosh! Danny's a grown-up! Won't he be glad to see-

Wanda: Shhh! Do you want them to know?

Cosmo: I dunno, (takes out a muffin) but can he wish it so that we don't have to poof away?

She groaned while the Emperor of Destruction slowly rode up to Danny.

Megatron: You owe me money, blacksmith.

Danny: How so?

Megatron: My horse threw a shoe. I figure that since it was you who did the shoeing, that makes you responsible!

Danny: Well, since you never paid me for the job, I say that makes us even!

Megatron: I don‘t think so! You see, I was on my horse when you threw his shoe and I was thrown off. And that just caused me to bust a perfectly good cube of fine KaibaCorp Cyber-Kentucky Redeye Energon. So, the way I'd figure it, blacksmith, you owe me 25 for the whisky and 75 bucks for the horse.

The others then realized the amount Danny was killed for.

Matrix: Oh man!

Ultra Magnus: That's the 100 dollars.

Danny: Okay, look, if your horse threw his shoe, bring him back and I'll re-shoe him.

Megatron: But I already vaporized that horse.

Danny: Well, that's your problem now, “Vince McMahon“.

Megatron: Wrong again, idiot. That's yours! So from now on, you better watch behind your back when you walk, because one day you're gonna get a Fusion Cannon in your back. (To his gang) Let's go! DECEPTICONS, TRANSFORM AND RISE UP!!!

Shego: He butchered our battle cry!

They then Transformed and rode off, away from the group.

KP: Danny...

He then saw the group, looking at them. He sighs as he goes up to them.

Danny: Guys, I gave you all explicit instructions not to come here, but to go back directly to 2008.

Matrix: We know, Danny, but we-

Danny: (smiles) Oh, but it's good seeing you guys again.

They all hugged as Danny secretly smiled to Cosmo and Wanda.

Wanda: (to Cosmo) He remembers us!

Cosmo: Oh, that reminds me...Danny, catch!

He grabbed the muffin from Cosmo, looking at him.

Danny: (thinking) The magic muffin Cosmo saved...well, now's a good time for anything.

Wheeljack: So, what's with the muffin?

Danny: Just give me a sec.

He then took a bite then looked at the fairies.

Danny: You know...there's something I wanted to tell you guys...I just wish that you guys would know about fairies without my Fairy Godparents, Cosmo and Wanda poofing away.

Then, in an instant, some sort of magic barrier surrounded everyone, who all looked confused.

Cosmo: Yay! We're Danny's fairies again!

Wanda: Wait, what just happened?

Danny: Remember those magic muffins that give you those Rule-Free wishes? Well, it's lucky Cosmo snuck one.

Optimus Prime: So, you're telling us Cosmo and Wanda is your fairies?

He nodded.

Jazz: Sweet! No wonder you get so many cool things!

Danny then noticed their outfits as they all walked away.

Danny: Uh, speaking of which, you guys are gonna have to do something about those clothes. You guys walk in town dressed like that and you're all liable to get shot.

Matrix: Or hanged.

They then headed to a shop as Danny spoke.

Danny: Geez, what kind of idiot dressed you guys in those outfits?

Cosmo: You did, Danny!

They groaned.

Cosmo: What?

(End of Chapter 2)
The Autobots arrive in 1865, where they meet new/old allies, as well as enemies. How will they fare?

Everyone belongs to their rightful owners!
Matrix Prime is my OC, Julayla is :iconjulayla:'s!

VIVA NO MA'AM! JOIN THE National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood!

I'm Darcia in the Wolf’s Rain Crew!
I'm Galvatron in the TF club, :icontrans-aids:!

:pissed:, SIT DOWN AND STUDY!!!!!!

"Say goodbye to the universe, Maximals! The future has changed. Yessssss. The Autobots lose, evil triumphs, and you... YOU! NO LONGER EXIST!"
- Megatron declares ENDGAME!!! (Beast Wars, The Agenda: Part III)
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